What I can do now

毎朝 新聞を読んでは涙が溢れてきます
もし私があの状況に居たら 私は何を守れただろう

日本中が 被災地の方々を想っています

海外からも たくさんの声が届いています
この状況下での日本人の行動に 称賛の声も

私の力は微力だけれど 小さな元気は大きな元気へとつながる
笑顔で前を向いて たくましく生きていこう


I read a newspaper every morning.
There are many stories and feelings of the people who lost their loved one
by disaster.
I'm thinking what I could do if I was there at that time...

People all over Japan are thinking about people in the disaster.
We hope to recover from the disaster as soon as possible.

I hear many voice of encouragement from around the world.
Also there are shouts of acclamation for our action and behavior in this situation.

My energy may lead huge energy.
I will keep smiling and go forward strongly.
That's what I can do now.

Japan will surely recover. We can do it !!!
