会社の先輩にも 雨の日は機嫌が悪いね~ とよく言われたものでした(笑)
梅雨に入ったからといって 毎日毎日雨ではなく
けっこうお天気の日が多いなぁ と
何ヶ月もどんより しとしとしとしと・・・
2・3日雨続きの天気予報を見ても 「ふ~ん そっかそっか」 とケロっと構えてる
以前では考えられなかった そんな自分に驚いています
私の 雨に対する最低ラインは日本の梅雨だったのに
それを上回る(下回る??)経験をしたあとは 最低ラインがぐぐぐっと下がって
日本の梅雨は私にとって かなり高い位置付けになりました
雨上がりの空気はきれいで 植物がキラキラしています
日本の梅雨はなかなかバランスが取れていて いいものです
It's during rainy season in Japan.
The weather forecast says it might a bit longer than usual.
I didn't like the rainy season before, but now it's ok.
In Vancouver , it was rain almost every day in fall and winter.
So, I'm used to it.
And it doesn't rain all the rainy season, and sometimes the weather is nice.
We hit the lowest point, previous lowest point will be lower point.
Now, I feel the rainy season in Japan is not bad so much.

It's during rainy season in Japan.
The weather forecast says it might a bit longer than usual.
I didn't like the rainy season before, but now it's ok.
In Vancouver , it was rain almost every day in fall and winter.
So, I'm used to it.
And it doesn't rain all the rainy season, and sometimes the weather is nice.
We hit the lowest point, previous lowest point will be lower point.
Now, I feel the rainy season in Japan is not bad so much.
I love sunshine !!!
返信削除So,I don't like rainy season...
Because,It's muggy everyday (> <;)wooo...
You're absolutely right,MIHO san♪
I have a one-track mind.That's not good!!
It'll be not so bad if I can change to viewpoint like you♪
I'll try to like the rainy season ★☆ hehe.